Sunday, 21 August 2011

February 2011

John Harvey Photo

February 2011

Life with a Baby

Guess Who is Crawling

Nara CrawlingNara On Change Table

Guess who is learning to crawl? Nara figured out how to stand up and glide on furniture first, but once she did that she really figured out crawling. Now she is doing a little bit of both - she is often faster crawling, but she walks when she can.

Going to The Pool

Of course I don't remember the first time I went swimming - I think I was in swimming classes before I started Kindergarten, but I'm not sure. Now it's not uncommon to see babies who can't yet crawl in the pool with their parents. Nara seems pretty happy with the pool - I wouldn't say relaxed, but happy to be outside.

Nara And Dad In The River

Nara Stepping In Hot Water
I think her favorite is when she can do a little walking and a little licking at her own pace. We booked in a swimming class which taught us how to play with toys with her and some skills to help her get acclimatized to being in water. She isn't so much into the balls and boards yet, but she does like the watering can and splashing. She isn't super keen on her head under water, but she doesn't yell when it happens.

Nara On Hot Ramp

Nara Tired After Swimming
It doesn't take long for a really tired Nara. It's not a slam dunk, fall asleep in the car on the way home, but she does often nap for longer than usual after.


February 2011


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