Tuesday, 17 May 2011

PLAY OUTDOORS Releases Second Webisode

PlayOutdoors.com, the leading online retailer for children's outdoor clothing and gear, announces the debut of "Camping with Kids Sucks,? the second installment in a series of humorous how-to webisodes. The camping webisode is now live on YouTube.com and PlayOutdoors.com and features a bevy of tongue-in-cheek tips to get families camping together including how to pitch a tent (in your backyard), build a fire (with lighter fluid) and roast marshmallows (in the shape of a man). Webisode viewers are encouraged to submit their best survival tips for camping with kids, from practical to funny or downright ridiculous, for a chance to win a $300.00 PlayOutdoors.com gift card.

To watch PLAY OUTDOORS' camping webisode please visit http://www.playoutdoors.com/play-outdoors-tv.aspx. Webisode viewers can enter to win a $300.00 gift card from PLAY OUTDOORS by posting a tip on surviving camping with kids in one of three ways: "Like? PLAY OUTDOORS on Facebook and post a tip, follow PLAY OUTDOORS on Twitter and tweet a tip with the hashtag #campruckus or watch the video on PlayOutdoors.com and submit a survival tip. The gift card is guaranteed to help the winning family get Ruckus Ready for summer with some of the best children's gear on the planet. The contest opens today and runs through May 31, 2011 with the 10 finalists selected on June 2. Open voting for the winner will be from June 2-6 with the winner to be announced on June 7. For official contest rules please visit http://www.playoutdoors.com/play-outdoors-tv.aspx.

"Camping with kids can be tons of fun and pretty hectic all at the same time so we thought an inspirational how-to webisode on tips parents can utilize is just the ticket to get families outside enjoying the great outdoors together, even if it is from their own backyard to start,? said Sarah Laufer, CEO and Director of Ruckus at PLAY OUTDOORS.

Parents can also visit www.playoutdoors.com and the Campfire Blog http://blog.playoutdoors.com/ to find practical tips for camping or hiking with kids. The blog features tips ranging from tent games for that rainy day, to hiking games that keep kids moving to camp treats beyond S'mores. The blog also includes helpful suggestions to assist kids with pooping and peeing outdoors with ideas for reducing pollution, crafting organic toilets and shopping for toilet paper in the bushes. For the most detailed information on how to take care of business outdoors please visit Leave No Trace.

Source: http://www.abc-of-hiking.com/news/201105/play-outdoors-releases-second-webisode.asp

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