Reading about this project made me wonder what kind of tent I would get if it were up to me. I do believe I discovered the ideal one. It?s the absolutely incredible 1 Axis & 3 Zulu 13 person combo family camping tent. This cool modular tent system is made up of a center section and 3 attachable pod tents. The middle tent is a free standing screen house that provides a huge living area. It is an amazing 24 feet long, 10 feet wide and ? get ready for it ? 9 feet tall. I love tall tents! This space is so big that you could even play Twister in it. Each of the three pods is a separate free standing 3 person tent that can be attached to the main tent or not depending on your needs. I think that, even though these kids are best friends, the importance of the sense of privacy that the pods offer will be paramount as the trip progresses. Picture this ? it?s been a long day on the road, you?ve just pull into the perfect spot at the Park, you assemble the tent(s), fire up the camp stove, have a great dinner and, as dusk approaches and the mosquitoes emerge, you can all pile in to the bug free zone of the screen house and relax, laughing, telling stories and sharing hopes and dreams of the future. Then imagine snuggling into your sleeping bag and drifting off to sleep while nature sings you a soft lullaby. Heaven ? it sure doesn?t get any better than this! Oh, I think I just talked myself into getting a 1 Axis & 3 Zulu 13 person combo family camping tent for myself! Can you picture yourself in one? Come and see the details here.
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